Resources garden of aquatic plant

Resources garden of aquatic plant
Legal name of organisation
Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Organisation address

Lumo Road #1, Wuhan, China

Primary contact information (PI)


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Years of Mesocosm Experiments
Description of Facility

Total area of 450 m2, and with the concrete pools of 1 * 1 m2 and 2 * 2 mat 1 m and 1.5 m depths.  Electricity is powered, and two types of water supply (from nearby Donghu Lake or tap water)

Controlled Parameters

Water depth at the gradient of 25 cm to 150 cm, and the temperature could be also controlled by the heat devices and control panel.

Research Topics

functional trait; global warming

Facility location(s)
Primary interests

1. the effects of warming or extreme water level changes on submerged macrophytes

2. the trade-offs between functional traits of submerged macrophytes

3. the interaction between submerged macrophytes and phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish

Specialist areas

Aquatic plant


YSI multi-parameter probe, PAM monitor, Li-1400



Source of Information
Photos of experiments/installations
The green house and the heating control system
Outdoor tanks with different size and area
Tanks with different macrophytes and water depth