Sommer U, Hansen T, Stibor H, Vadstein O
phytoplankton, Zooplankton, Nutrient ratios, mesocosm, 5.5 m3, Hopavagen, Trondheim, Norway
Sommer U, Hansen T, Stibor H, Vadstein O
phytoplankton, Zooplankton, Nutrient ratios, mesocosm, 5.5 m3, Hopavagen, Trondheim, Norway
Smolyakov BS, Bortnikova SB, Zhigula MV, Bogush AA, Ermolaeva NI, Artamonova SY
phytoplankton, Zooplankton, metals, Cu, Zn, Cd, metal removal, mesocosm, 2 m3, Novosibirk, Siberia, Russia, freshwater
Porter ET, Sanford LP, Gust G, Porter FS
Benthic–pelagic coupling, Flow, Turbulence, Shear velocity, mesocosm, land based, 1 m3, 100l, sediment, Experimental ecosystem, Horn Point, Maryland, Chesapeake, USA
Olli K
dinoflaggelates, cysts, nutrient addition, Bloom, production rates, mesocosm, 51 m3, Tvarminne, Finland
Nieuwerburgh VL, Wanstrand I, Snoeijs P
Nutrient limitation, Silicate, nitrogen, phosphorus, copepods, phytoplankton, mesocosm, 2 m3, Sletvik Field station, Trondheim, Norway
Newall RE, Delille B, Frankignoulle M, Gattuso JP, Jaquet S, Riebesell U, Terbruggen A, Zondervan I
CDOM, DOC, virus, cyanobacteria, Heterotrophic bacteria, co2, mesocosm, 11 m3, Espegrend, Bergen, Norway
Katechakis A, Stibor H, Sommer U, Hansen T
selectivity, copepods, grazing, nutrient enrichment, Spain, mesocosm, 33 m3, blanes bay, mediterranean
Karez R, Engelbert S, Kraufvelin P, Pedersen MF, Sommer U
Epiphytes, coastal eutrophication, Nutrients, rocky shores, Seaweeds, mesocosm, 6-12 m3, land based, Solbergstrand, Oslofjord, Norway
Gilpin LC, Davidson K, Roberts EG
Nitrate, silicon ratios, N:Si, Diatoms, C:N, Nutrient limitation, mesocosm, 1.5 m3, Trondheim, Large scale facility, Norway
Feuchtmayr H, Zollner E, Santer B, Sommer U, Grey J
Bacteria, Copepod, Daphnia, mesocosm, phytoplankton grazing, nucleic-acid content, DOC, water cyclopoid, copepods, short-term, bacterial-cells, marine copepod, food-webs, lake, predation
1. Density gradients of cladocerans and copepods were generated in an enclosure experiment to compare the impact on the plankton of a filter feeder (Daphnia hyalina x galeata) with that of more selective feeders (calanoid and cyclopoid copepods). The experiment was conducted in situ over 25 days during spring in a mesotrophic lake, Schohsee, Germany. 2. The plankton community was monitored regularly. Daphniids were able to graze on the phytoplankton present, which mainly consisted of small (