Poulain AJ, Orihel DM, Amyot M, Paterson MJ, Hintelmann H, Southworth GR
Dissolved gaseous mercury, Evasion, Atmospheric deposition, isotopes, Sulfur hexafluoride, METAALICUS, mesocosm, experimental lakes area, Ontario, Canada, 157 m3
Poulain AJ, Orihel DM, Amyot M, Paterson MJ, Hintelmann H, Southworth GR
Dissolved gaseous mercury, Evasion, Atmospheric deposition, isotopes, Sulfur hexafluoride, METAALICUS, mesocosm, experimental lakes area, Ontario, Canada, 157 m3
Olsen Y, Agusti S, Andersen T, Duarte CM, Gasol JM, Gismervik I, Heiskanen AS, Hoell E, Kuupo P, Lignell R, Reinertsen H, Sommer U, Stibor H, Tamminen T, Vadstein O, Vaque D, Vidal M
nutrent enrichment, plankton community, Baltic, Tvarminne, mediterranean, blanes bay, norwegian sea, Hoppavagen, 30-50 m3, comparison, Spain, Finland, Norway
Nejstgaard JC, Frischer ME, Verity PG, Anderson JT, Jacobsen A, Zirbel MJ, Larsen A, Martinez MJ, Sazhin AF, Walters T, Bronk DA, Whipple SJ, Borret SR, Patten BC, Long JD
Phaeocystis pouchetii, mesocosm, Nutrients, Fjord, Biocomplexity, Raunefjord, Bergen, Norway, 11 m3
Mowitt WP, Houde ED, Hinkle DC, Sanford A
mesocosm, Scale, Trophic cascades, Planktivorous fish, Anchovy, MEERC, Maryland, USA, 1 m3, 10 m3
Growth of the zooplanktivorous bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilli and its potential to controlplankton communities were investigated in estuarine mesocosms. The effects of mesocosmdimensions (size and shape) on anchovy growth and grazing impact were evaluated in 2 experiments,of 6 and 15 wk duration, respectively. Estuarine mesocosms of 1 and 10 m3 volume and 2shapes were used. The size–shape differences provided mesocosms with 3 volume-to-wall area ratiosthat determined how ‘pelagic’ the enclosures were. Anchovy growth rates scaled directly with mesocosmsize and with mesocosm volume:wall area ratio. Growth was slowest in the least ‘pelagic’ enclosures,and fastest in the most ‘pelagic’ enclosures. The fish had a clear top-down impact on copepodpopulations. Mesocosms without fish supported copepods that were larger in size and of higher communitybiomass. Highest anchovy growth rates (and presumed consumption) occurred in mesocosmswith lower mean copepod biomasses, further suggesting top-down control. Although not conclusive,trends in trophic relationships were consistent and supportive of the trophic cascade hypothesis.Mesocosms with high mean copepod biomasses tended to have low mean phytoplankton densities,and mesocosms with high anchovy growth rates tended to have high phytoplankton densities. Therewas no consistent evidence that top-down control by bay anchovy was related to mesocosm sizes ordimensions
Mohovic B, Gianesella SMF, Laurion I, Roy S
UVB, phytoplankton, radiation, light treatments, mesocosm, Rimouski, Canada, Ubatuba, Brazil, 2 m3, 1.8 m3
Photoprotection against UV-B radiation (UVBR; 280-320 nm)was examined in natural phytoplankton communities from twocoastal environments at different latitudes: temperate Rimouski(Canada) and tropical Ubatuba (Brazil). Mesocosm experimentswere performed at these sites to examine the response ofphytoplankton to increases in UVBR that corresponded to localdepletions of 30% and 60% in atmospheric ozone levels (lowand high UVBR treatments, respectively). A fluorescencemethod using a pulse amplitude modulation fluorometer (Xe-PAM, Walz, Germany) with selective UV filters was used toestimate photoprotection, and these results were comparedwith an index of mycosporine-like amino acid (MAA) concentrationsdetermined using spectrophotometry of methanolextracts. The present study provided the first evidence, toour knowledge, of the suitability of this in vivo fluorescencemethod for the estimation of UV photoprotection efficiency innatural phytoplankton. No significant differences were foundfor most of the variables analyzed between the light treatmentsused at both sites, but differences were found between sitesthroughout the duration of the experiments. Vertical mixing,used to maintain cells in suspension, likely alleviated seriousUVBR-induced damage during both experiments by reducingthe length of time of exposure to the highest UVBR irradiancesat the surface. In Rimouski, this was the main factorminimizing the effects of treatment, because optical propertiesof the coastal seawater rapidly attenuated UVBR throughoutthe water column of the ca 2 m deep mesocosms. In thislocation, synthesis of MAAs and photoprotective pigmentslikely contributed to the observed phototolerance of phytoplanktonand, hence, to their growth; however, in a comparisonof the UVBR treatments, these variables showed no differences.In Ubatuba, where nutrient concentrations were significantlylower than those in Rimouski, light attenuation was less thanthat in Rimouski and UVBR reached the bottom of themesocosms. UVBR penetration and the forced vertical mixingof the cells, without the possibility of vertical migration belowthis photostress zone, resulted in photo-inhibition, becauseconfinement in the mesocosms forced cells to remain constantlyexposed to high levels of irradiance during the daytime. Hence,additional effects of UVBR were masked in this experiment,because cells were damaged too much and phytoplanktonpopulations were rapidly declining. There was also an overallpreservation of MAAs, in contrast with chlorophyll (Chl)degradation, in spite of the fact that this UV screening was notsufficient to counteract photo-inhibition, which suggests animportant role for these molecules, either in the overallphotoprotection strategy or in other physiological processes.Altogether, local water characteristics, namely attenuation,mixing, and nutrients concentration, can strongly modulate thephotoprotection strategies used by natural phytoplanktonpopulations in coastal environments.
Marino R, Chan F, Howarth RW, Pace ML, Likens GE
nitrogen fixation, Heterocystous cyanobacteria, estuaries, nitrogen limitation, Nitrogen phosphorus stoichiometry, zooplankton grazing, mesocosm, 3 m3, Narragansett Bay, Rhode island, USA
Longhi ML, Ferreyra G, Schloss I, Roy S
UV-B radiation, Nutrient status, phytoplankton, Fv/Fm, Pigments, Latitudinal variations ·, Nitrate availability, mesocosm, Quebec, Canada, Ushuaia, Brazil, Ubatuba, Argentina, 1.8 m3
The influence of nitrate enrichment on the response of natural phytoplankton populationsto enhanced UV-B radiation was tested during a series of week-long mesocosm (1800 l) experimentscarried out in Rimouski (Canada), Ubatuba (Brazil) and Ushuaia (southern Argentina). We set up 2 mesocosmsat each site, one was submitted to ambient UV-B levels while the other received enhanced UV-Blevels corresponding to a local 60% ozone-depletion scenario, and both were continuously mixed. Samplesfrom the mesocosms were incubated in UV-transparent plastic bags (4 l) floating at the surface for24 h. Half of these received nitrate, phosphate and silicate enrichments while for the other half nitrate wasomitted. Responses in terms of photochemical yield (Fv/Fm, where Fv is variable fluorescence after darkrelaxation and Fm is maximal fluorescence following short pulses of saturating white light, pulse amplitude-modulated [PAM] fluorescence) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) pigments,differed among sites and over time, particularly for Rimouski, where a large bloom took place in the mesocosms.Enhanced UV-B significantly increased photoinhibition in the surface bags, while nitrate additionpartly relieved this inhibition only during the post-bloom period. The net growth of fucoxanthin wasreduced by enhanced UV-B except during the post-bloom period, when it increased, probably becausegrazing pressure was reduced under enhanced UV-B (strong decrease in ciliates). In Ubatuba, cells wereaffected by the high ambient-light irradiances at the surface, and enhanced UV-B had no further effect,irrespective of the nutrient status. At Ushuaia, enhanced UV-B prevented all increases of fucoxanthin andchl a, with much less effect on chl b (green algae), and no nutrient response was observed. This strong andconsistent negative response to enhanced UV-B is likely to be related to the cold temperature prevailingat Ushuaia at the time of the experiment (slowing repair) as well as the local community composition. Incontrast, no effects of enhanced UV-B were observed in the stirred mesocosms at the 3 sites, indicatingthat mixing moderated the UV-B effects in all 3 experiments.
Kraufvelin P, Salovius S, Christie H, Moy FE, Karez R, Pedersen MF
coastal eutrophication, nutrient enrichment, Rocky shore, mesocosm, grazing, Plant–animal interaction, Oslofjord, Solbergstrand, Norway, 12 m3
This study, conducted in mesocosms, natural field sites, and in laboratory aquaria, showed that eutrophication altered the nutrient status anddominance patterns among marine macroalgae, which in turn, stimulated gammaridean density. Gammaridean abundance correlated positivelywith both nutrient addition and the amount of green algae (also stimulated by nutrient enrichment). Path analysis indicated that the direct effect ofnutrients on gammaridean density was of less importance than the indirect effect through increased production of green algae. In cage colonisationexperiments, either in the field or in a control mesocosm kept under ambient nutrient conditions, more gammarids colonised nutrient enriched algae(E-algae) than algae with ambient nutrient levels (A-algae). Gammarus locusta generally grew faster on nutrient enriched algal specimens andwhen reared on green rather than on brown algae (fucoids). The nutrient status of periphytic algae did not affect gammaridean growth significantly,but the number of egg-carrying females (and thus egg production) was significantly higher among gammarids reared on E-periphyton. Thegammaridean habitat preference order (red > green > brown > periphyton) was almost the reverse of their growth rate in feeding assays(periphyton > green > brown). This implies that macroalgae may be more important as a habitat than as a food source for these animals, whichthen have to become mobile in search of optimal food items. In this process, algal nutrient content was important as the gammarids in our studyactively chose high quality nutrient-rich food, which, in addition, increased their fitness. Stimulated growth rates and egg production mayultimately lead to population increase, which, combined with the preference for high nutrient food items may dampen the initial effect of nutrientenrichment (i.e. blooms of green macroalgae) in shallow coastal waters.# 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hjorth M, Dahllof I, Forbes VE
Functional response, Stress, Plankton, Natural communities, PICT, Indirect, effects, mesocosm, Isefjord, Denmark, 3 m3
Grossart HP, Allgaier M, Passow U, Riebesell U
CO2 enrichment, PEECE, bacterial abundance, bacterial production, mesocosm, Raunefjorden, Norway, 20 m3