Forrest J, Arnott SE
Colonisation, Dispersal, Disturbance, eutrophication, Invasibility, George Lake, Canada, freshwater, 8 m3
Forrest J, Arnott SE
Colonisation, Dispersal, Disturbance, eutrophication, Invasibility, George Lake, Canada, freshwater, 8 m3
Fischer JM, Nicolai JL, Wlliamson CE, Pasaud AD, Lockwood RS
Ultraviolet radiation, vertical migration, Daphnia, Leptodiaptomus minutus, mesocosm, lake Giles, Pennsylvania, freshwater, 3.5 m3, USA
Ferreyra GA, Mostajir B, Schloss IR, Chatlia K, Ferrario ME, Roy SSP, Prodhomme J, Demers S
Ultraviolet radiation, UVB, Bacteria, phytoplankton, microzooplankton, biomass, POC, Particulate Organic Carbon, mesocosm, St. Lawrence estuary, Canada, 2 m3
The impact of UV-B radiation (UVBR; 280-320 nm) on lower levels of a natural plankton assemblage (bacteria, phytoplankton and microzooplankton) from the St. Lawrence Estuary was studied during 9 days using several immersed outdoor mesocosms. Two exposure treatments were used in triplicate mesocosms: natural UVBR (N treatment, considered as the control treatment) and lamp-enhanced UVBR (H treatment, simulating 60% depletion of the ozone layer). A phytoplankton bloom developed after day 3, but no significant differences were found between treatments during the entire experiment for phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a and cell carbon) nor for phytoplankton cell abundances from flow cytometry and optical microscopy of three phytoplankton size classes (picoplankton, nanoplankton and microplankton). In contrast, bacterial abundances showed significantly higher values in the H treatment, attributed to a decrease in predation pressure due to a dramatic reduction in ciliate biomass (-7040%) in the H treatment relative to the N treatment. The most abundant ciliate species were Strombidinium sp., Prorodonovum and Tintinnopsis sp.; all showed significantly lower abundances under the H treatment. P. ovum was the lessaffected species (50% reduction in the H treatment comparedwith that of the N control), contrasting with -90% for the other ones. Total specific phytoplanktonic and bacterial production were not affected by enhanced UVBR. However, both the ratio of primary to bacterial biomass and production decreased markedly under the H treatment. In contrast, theratio of phytoplankton to bacterial plus ciliate carbon biomassshowed an opposite trend than the previous results, withhigher values in the H treatment at the end of the experiment.These results are explained by the changes in the ciliatebiomass and suggest that UVBR can alter the structure of the lower levels of the planktonic community by selectively affecting key species. On the other hand, linearity between particulate organic carbon (POC) and estimated planktonic carbon was lost during the postbloom period in bothtreatments. On the basis of previous studies, our results canbe attributed to the aggregation of carbon released by cellsto the water column in the form of transparent exopolymerparticles (TEPs) under nutrient limiting conditions. Unexpectedly,POC during such a period was higher in the H treatment than in controls. We hypothesize a decrease in the ingestion of TEPs by ciliates, in coincidence with increased DOC release by phytoplankton cells under enhanced UVBR. The consequences of such results for the carbon cycle in the ocean are discussed.
Chan F, Marino R, Howarth RW, Pace M
nitrogen fixation, Heterocystous cyanobacteria, estuaries, Zooplankton, grazing, 3 m3, mesocosm, Narragansett Bay, Rhode island, USA
Caquet T
Diphenyl ether herbicide, Nonylphenol polyethoxylates, Mixture, Outdoor pond mesocosm, Insects, INRAm Brittany, France, 18 m3, freshwater
Andersson A, Samuelsson K, Haecky P, Albertsson J
Bacteria, Food web structure, mesocosm, mesozooplankton, phytoplankton, Protozoa, Baltic, 0.9 m3
Alderkamp AC, Nejstgaard JC, Verity PG, Zirbel MJ, Sazhin AF, vanRijssel M
algae, Polysaccharides, Mucus, Glucan, Laminarin, Diel, Phaeocystis pouchetii, mesocosm, Raunefjorden, Espegrend, Bergen, Norway, 11 m3
The colony-forming microalgae Phaeocystis produces two major pools of carbohydrates: mucopolysaccharides in the colonymatrix and intracellular storage glucan. Both have different functions and separate degradation pathways in the ecosystem, so apartial precipitation method was developed to distinguish the dynamics of the two pools. Changes in concentration in response tovariation in nutrients and irradiance were followed during a spring bloom of Phaeocystis pouchetii colonies in mesocosms nearBergen, Norway. Upon nutrient limitation, the carbohydrate to carbon ratio of the colonies increased from 15% during the growthphase, to more than 50% during the decline phase. During the growth phase of the bloom, the carbohydrate concentration andcomposition were influenced by irradiance: glucan concentrations showed strong diel dynamics and increased with higher lightlevels, whereas mucopolysaccharide concentrations were unaffected. During the exponential growth phase, glucan contributed 6–11% to P. pouchetii carbon, depending on the time of the day. During the decline of the bloom, the glucan contribution increased upto 60%. We provide further evidence for the concept that the Phaeocystis colony matrix is built with a relatively small but constantamount of carbohydrates, compared to the large quantities of glucan produced during Phaeocystis spring blooms. Since a majorpart of Phaeocystis primary production is recycled in the water column by bacteria, this vast glucan injection is a potentialdeterminant of the magnitude and composition of the microbial community following a bloom
Wingenter OW, Haase KB, Zeigler M, Blake DR, Rowland SF, Sive BC, Paulino A, Thyrhaug R, Larsen A, Schulz K, Meyerhofer M, Riebesell U
co2, acidification, Dimethylsulfide, DMS, mesocosm, Espegrend, 11 m3, Bergen, Norway
Increasing atmospheric mixing ratios of CO2 havealready lowered surface ocean pH by 0.1 units compared topreindustrial values and pH is expected to decrease anadditional 0.3 units by the end of this century. Pronouncedphysiological changes in some phytoplankton have beenobserved during previous CO2 perturbation experiments.Marine microorganisms are known to consume and produceclimate-relevant organic gases. Concentrations of (CH3)2S(DMS) and CH2ClI were quantified during the Third PelagicEcosystem CO2 Enrichment Study. Positive feedbacks wereobserved between control mesocosms and those simulatingfuture CO2. Dimethyl sulfide was 26% (±10%) greater thanthe controls in the 2x ambient CO2 treatments, and 18%(±10%) higher in the 3xCO2 mesocosms. For CH2ClIthe 2xCO2 treatments were 46% (±4%) greater than thecontrols and the 3xCO2 mesocosms were 131% (±11%)higher. These processes may help contribute to thehomeostasis of the planet.
Whipple SJ, Patten BC, Verity. PG, Frischer ME, Long JD, Nejstgaard JC, Anderson JT, Jacobsen A, Larsen A, Martinez-Martinez J, Borret SR
Conceptual model, life cycle, mesocosm, Model-driven research, Phaeocystis, 11 m3, Bergen, Raunefjorden, Norway
Verity PG, Whipple SJ, Nejstgaard JC, Alderkamp AC
Phaeocystis pouchetii, Bloom, colony size, mesocosm, 11 m3, Bergen, Norway