vanRijssel M, Alderkamp AC, Nejstgaard JC, Sazhin AF, Verity PG
Allelopathy, Chemical defence, Prymnesiophyte, PUFA, PUA, mesocosm, Raunefjorden, Bergen, Norway, 11 m3
vanRijssel M, Alderkamp AC, Nejstgaard JC, Sazhin AF, Verity PG
Allelopathy, Chemical defence, Prymnesiophyte, PUFA, PUA, mesocosm, Raunefjorden, Bergen, Norway, 11 m3
Thingstad TF, Havskum H, Zweifel UL, Berdalet E, Sala MM, Peters F, Alcaraz M, Scharek R, Perez M, Jacquet S, Flaten FGA, Dolan JR, Marrasé C, Rassoulzadegan F, Hagstrom A, Vaulot D
Food web, Growth regulators, model, Microbiology, mesocosm, Norway, Espegrend, Bergen, 11 m3
Taipale S, Kankaala P, Jones RI
lake enclosures, allochthonous organic carbon, 13C-addition, Daphnia, model, Food web, isotopes, methanotrophic bacteria, mesocosm, 12 m3, Mekkojarvi, Finland
Steinke M, Evans C, Lee GA, Malin G
DMSP-lyase enzymes, substrate kinetics, Emiliania huxleyi, mesocosm, 11 m3, Bergen, Norway
Sommer U, Aberle N, Engel A, Hansen T, Lengfellner K, Sandow M, Wohlers J, Zollner E, Riebesell U
Plankton, climate change, seasonal succession, spring bloom, mesocosm, 1.4 m3, Kiel, Germany
Sinha V, Williams J, Meyerhofer M, Riebesell U, Paulino AI, Larsen A
Emiliania huxleyi, co2, acidification, growth rates, DMS, Dimethylsulfide, VOC, mesocosm, Espegrend, Raunefjord, Bergen, 11 m3, Norway
Schartau M, Engel A, Schroter J, Thoms S, Volker C, Wolf-Gladrow D
Emiliania huxleyi, TEP, DOC, Carbon overconsumption, co2, Redfield ratios, mesocosm, Raunefjord, Bergen, 11 m3, model, Norway
Sarnelle O
toxic cyanobacteria, eutrophic lake, Dapnhia, microcystis-aeruginosa, body-size, Zooplankton, water, biomass, phytoplankton, chlorophyll, phosphorus, mesocosm, freshwater, California, USA, 4m3
To assess whether Daphnia populations in eutrophic lakes can increase when bloom-forming cyanobacteria dominate the phytoplankton assemblage and whether such an increase can result in strong suppression of phytoplankton biomass, I created contrasting initial conditions ( high Daphnia pulicaria, low cyanobacteria vs. low D. pulicaria, high cyanobacteria) via fish manipulation in large enclosures, then removed fish from some enclosures and subsequently monitored zooplankton and phytoplankton abundance for 48 days. After being released from fish predation, D. pulicaria was apparently able to reduce cyanobacteria and total phytoplankton biomass to very low levels despite the fact that the phytoplankton assemblage was initially composed of about 90% Microcystis aeruginosa, a species that has inhibited Daphnia growth and reproduction in many laboratory studies. Thus, it appears possible for Daphnia to graze down an established bloom of cyanobacteria. In contrast, in enclosures where fish were never present, M. aeruginosa was eventually able to increase from low levels despite initially high D. pulicaria biomass. As a result, the apparent effect of D. pulicaria on M. aeruginosa at the end of the experiment was very different across enclosures with different initial conditions.
Sanderson H, Laird B, Pope L, Brain R, Wilaon C, Johnson D, Bryning G, Peregrine AS, Boxall A, Solomon K
mesocosm, Ivermectin, Risk assessment, sediment, Zooplankton, Guelph mesocosm facility, Ontario, 12 m3, freshwater, Canada
Riebesell U, Schulz KG, Bellerby RGJ, Botros M, Fritsche P, Meyerhofer M, Neill C, Nondal G, Oschlies A, Wohlers J, Zollner E
co2, acidification, carbon consumption, mesocosm, Espegrend, Bergen, Norway, 11 m3