Patterns and source of variation in Daphnia phosphorus content in nature

Patterns and source of variation in Daphnia phosphorus content in nature
Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication

DeMott WR, Pape BJ, Tessier AJ

Aquatic Ecology
ISBN Number

C:P ratio, Ecological stoichiometry, phosphorus, Zooplankton, mesocosm, 3 m3, nutrient addition, freshwater, land based, Kellog Biological Station, Michigan, USA


It has recently been shown that Daphnia can vary in the phosphorus P -content of their body tissues, but therelative importance of genetic versus environmental causes for this variation is unexplored. We measured variationin P-content as % body mass of Daphnia from eight lakes and conducted experiments to contrast threesources of variation: interspecific variation, clonal variation and phenotypic plasticity. Daphnia P-content decreasedwith increasing seston C:P ratio across lakes. This relationship reflected both inter- and intraspecific variation.Daphnia parvula and D. dubia exhibited high P-content and were found in shallow lakes with low C:Pseston, whereas D. pulicaria had low P-content and was found in deep, stratified lakes having high C:P seston.Populations of D. dentifera spanned this lake gradient and exhibited P-content that was negatively related toseston C:P. Evidence for phenotypic plasticity came from experiments with D. pulicaria and D. dentifera collectedfrom a lake with P-deficient seston and fed a P-sufficient diet in the laboratory. In addition, populations ofD. dentifera differed in P-content even after 7 d of feeding on P-sufficient resources, suggesting within-speciesclonal variation. However, mesocosm experiments revealed broad and surprisingly continuous variation in theP-content of individual clones of D. pulex range 1.54–1.05% and D. mendotae 1.51–1.07% over a gradient indietary C:P. The broad range in P-content exhibited by individual clones, acclimated for generations, suggeststhat variation in Daphnia P-content from laboratory experiments needs to be interpreted with caution. Theseresults also show that phenotypic variation in response to environment can be a larger source of variation inP-content than genetic differences within or among species.

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Alternate Journal