Blue Lobster IT Ltd
Short name: BLIT |
Contact name: Simon Keeble |
Email address: Please login or request access to view contact information. |
Partner Description
Blue Lobster IT Ltd is an award winning web & software consultancy, specialising in Web Technologies, GIS, Data Analysis and Presentation, Information Products and Dissemination and Outreach with a strong bias toward the Marine and Environmental Sectors. Highly experienced in working with large marine data infrastructures with a large portfolio of data and information products and tools that are designed to engage with a variety of end-users including, scientists and researchers and policy and public stakeholder groups.
Role and Commitment of key person(s)
Simon Keeble (m) Technical Director, is an experienced project manager / software engineer who has worked in web and software development for over 25 years. Simon has designed and developed a number of relevant websites and unique software solutions that engage stakeholder groups in National and International projects and initiatives relating to marine observatories. He leads Outreach & Dissemination work packages in other high profile FP7 and H2020 projects. Project role: Task Leader WP5.1. AQUACOSM Website: Development of the AQUACOSM website providing a central coordinating infrastructure for aquatic mesocosm research in Europe and globally; Task Co-Leader WP5.2. AQUACOSM TA portal: Providing Information about, attracting, networking and coordinating AQUACOSM Transnational Access provision to all partner facilities through the website. Task Leader WP4.3: Data sharing; Contributor Task WP4.2 Database management; Task Lead WP 4.4: Data visualisation; Contributor to all WPs.
Kathryn Keeble (f, PhD) Science Director, has more than 10 years experience as a Marine Scientist. With a background in coastal and ocean policy, marine ecosystem management and integrated observatories, Kathryn has a keen interest in communication and dissemination of data and information products to stakeholder user groups. Project role: Contribution to WP5: Web development and dissemination.
Dong Wang (m) A computer scientist with over 10 years of development in web and data applications. He has worked on several web and data visualisation products for EU and UK government projects. Project role: Contribution to WP5: Web development and dissemination.
Blue Lobster IT Limited
5 & 6 Brunswick House
Riverside Business Park
Conwy, LL32 8UB, Wales
United Kingdom