Finnish Environment Institute, Marine Research Centre
Short name: SYKE |
Contact name: Timo Tamminen |
Email address: Please login or request access to view contact information. |
Partner Description
The Finnish Environment Institute SYKE is both a research institute, and a centre for environmental expertise. SYKE operates under the auspices of the Ministry of the Environment, and its activities focus on five themes, one of which covers the Baltic Sea. Marine Research Centre (MRC) at SYKE coordinates the national marine research infrastructure FINMARI (, and aims at producing information and new solutions that help decision-makers to promote the protection and sustainable use of the Baltic Sea.Besides coordination, SYKE-MRC role in FINMARI is management of the largest Finnish marine research vessel Aranda and the Alg@line on-line monitoring platform, participation in the construction of the Utö Marine Station, hosting a Baltic Sea phytoplankton culture collection, and R&D on automated measurement and experimental platforms in the MRC Marine Ecology Research Laboratory.
Role and Commitment of key person(s)
Timo Tamminen (m, Res. Prof., PhD 1990). Plankton ecologist with >35 years of research experience including international mesocosm experiments in several FP4 to FP7 projects. Coordinator of national marine RI consortium FINMARI. Google Scholar statistics: ca.70 papers, ca. 2000 citations, hindex 26. Project Role: Task Leader WP6.14: Provision of TA to SYKE: SYKE-MRC Mesocosm Facility, Subtask Leader WP8.1.2: Planning WS on flow-through technology at SYKE/Helsinki, Subtask Leader WP8.2.2: AquaBox; Contributor to all WPs.
Jukka Seppälä (m, PhD 2009 in aquatic sciences). Aquatic ecologist with >20 years of research experience including mesocosm experiments in international projects, focusing on plankton dynamics, bioenergy research and automated measurements, especially with bio-optical methods. Google Scholar statistics: ca. 40 papers, ca. 1000 citations, h-index 20. Project Role: Subtask Co-Leader WP9.2.1: Salinity gradients; Contributor to all WPs.
Finnish Environment Institute, Marine Research Centre
Mechelininkatu 34a,
Töölö, Helsinki