Umeå Marine Science Center

Umeå Marine Science Center

Short name: UMU
Contact name: Johan Wikner
Email address: Please login or request access to view contact information. 

Partner Description

The Mesocosm Facility at Umeå Marine Sciences Center (MF-UMSC) shall advance our understanding of the structure and function of coastal ecosystems in the context of Land-Sea interaction and climate change. This includes knowledge about anthropogenic disturbance by both environmental toxins and nutrient enrichment, promoting effective measures for a sustainable environmental quality. The mesocosm facility enables advanced control of water column temperature stratification, light irradiance and advective forces. In addition, near intact sediment layer can be applied at the bottom for study of benthic-pelagic interactions. A well-equipped field station (UMSC) can support mesocosm projects from water collection to sample analyses. Ongoing long-term ecological time series in internet- based databases provides valuable background data on chemical and biological parameters.

Role and Commitment of key person(s)

Johan Wikner (m, PhD 1989 marine microbiology) Associate professor, Director of Umeå Marine Sciences Center. Marine microbiologist with 30 years of experience of field studies, mesocosm experiments and marine research infrastructure. ISI WoS statistics: 34 papers, 1579 citations, h-Index 21. Project role: Task Leader WP6.9: Provision of TA to UMU: UMUMSC; Leader WP7: JRA1: Transforming leading freshwater and marine technologies to enable pan-European experimental ecosystem studies in all climates; Contributor to WP5.

Henrik Larsson (m, PhD in 1994 in Analytical Chemistry), Has 6 years of experience in mesocosm project, experienced in management and physical characterization of the indoor and outdoor mesocosm facilities at UMSC. Project role: Technical coordinator at MF-UMSC; Task Leader WP7.3, WP7.5 and WP7.6.

Martina Jeuthe (f, M. Sci Marine biology) Laboratory engineer, has 5 years of experience in mesocosm projects. Project role: Logistical coordinator at MF-UMFC, Contributor to WP6.9.


Umeå Marine Science Center
SE-905 71 Hörnefors